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Who should apply?You must be a current member with PATC-MS (paid dues) to participate. You should already have some level of base fitness. If you are recovering from an injury or just getting back in shape, the hiking program may be very rigorous for you. You are a beginner to intermediate level mountaineer wondering how to get mountain fit in Virginia. If you can leave tomorrow to climb a 6000m peak, we don't think this group will have much to teach you (but you're awesome and we want to be friends!) If you have little to no experience training with heart rate zones for mountaineering, that's ok! This program will teach you the basics of this training philosophy.
When can I apply?The Spring 2025 application portal will be open from January 17th through January 27th. We are unable to accept applications early or late to ensure fairness and transparency in the application and selection process.
How much does it cost to participate in M-Con?There is no fee to participate in M-Con. It is available through your active PATC-MS membership. The only cost to participate is the entrance fee to Shenandoah National Park. Typically a pass held by one member of the carpool is good for 4 people. Participants are responsible for ensuring their entrance fee to the park is covered.
How do I access the web site and application?You must create a log-in in order to apply. Once accepted, participants will have access to other resources on the website such as the events list, events details, etc. The application is only open for specific intervals each cycle and is removed when the application period is not open.
How are participants chosen?We strive for fairness and transparency in participant selection. First, the site administrator removes any identifiable information from all applications and sends to the program mentors/trip leaders. Each application is scored on the qualitative application attributes. Then a roundtable call is held with all MCon mentors to discuss the subjective application responses and why we think a particular applicant is or is not a good fit for the program. The most important criteria is the ability to attend the events (hikes, talks, and classroom learning). After that we look at background, upcoming objectives, and all other application questions.
Why is the number of participants limited?Unfortunately, we are only able to accept a limited number of applicants for several reasons. Shenandoah National Park, where most of the training occurs, requires advance permits for groups larger than 20 people. In addition, the smaller cohort size allows for a more immersive and intimate learning experience.
What are the dates for Spring 2025?Dates for all hikes and in-person meetings are confirmed. We are waiting to confirm the speakers, which will be on Sunday or Monday evenings on the weekends we are not hiking. The Spring 25 in-person dates are: Feb 22 Intro Meeting March 8 Hike 1 March 22 Hike 2 April 5 Hike 3 April 19 Ground School May 3 Hike 4 May 17 Hike 5 May 31 Hike 6 / Camp June 1 Hike 7
What is M-Con?M-Con is the foundational training program that focuses on learning and implementing heart rate zone training. Participants will also learn basic technical skills for alpine and glacier travel, such as basic knots and hitches and how to move as a rope team. M-Con is appropriate for beginner to intermediate mountaineers who: Are seeking to build on their existing fitness base Have little to no experience with heart rate zone training Would like to learn basic mountaineering skills
What is the training methodology?M-Con utilizes heart rate (HR) zone training. This is a scientifically-supported approach utilized in many endurance sports and pioneered by Scott Johnson for mountain sports. Companies such as Evoke Endurance and Uphill Athlete have successfully trained thousands of mountain athletes using this methodology. Participants will learn the basics of HR training, including how to measure your aerobic threshold (AeT) using a drift test, how to establish your heart rate zones, and how to incorporate strength training and muscular endurance training into your workouts.
What does M-Con include?The program in the past has included the list below. An in-person initial meeting - meet and greet other participants and learn the basics of heart rate zone training 6 weekend day hikes in Shenandoah National Park 1 in-person Ground School days - learn and practice technical skills Virtual lectures and guest speakers - past speakers have included professional coaches, guides, nutritionists, and accomplished PATC-MS members A capstone camping weekend in George Washington National Forest complete with alpine start!
Is Bigfoot real?We don't know for sure that Bigfoot ISN'T real.
Are there prescribed workouts?The mentors are volunteers, not official coaches. Other than the training hikes, we do not prescribe specific workouts for you. However, we do provide you with resources for creating a training plan, including free templates and low-cost mountaineering-specific programs available through Evoke Endurance and Uphill Athlete.
How do we stay in touch?The web site is a major source for information. We also use a WhatsApp group for frequent communication. Your name and phone number will be visible to other participants in the group.
What is the attendance requirement?If accepted, you must attend a minimum of 2/3rds of the events (hikes, talks, classroom learning). Consistent with the club's efforts to efficiently utilize resources, attendance will be tracked and may be reported to the Executive Committee if below expectation. Low participation can result in inability to participate in future PATC-MS programs. See: What are the dates for Spring 2025?
What is a drift test and why do I have to do it?Knowing and training within your heart rate zones is the key to effective mountaineering conditioning. Selected participants will be required to complete a heart rate drift test (or have completed one within the last 6 months) to establish their aerobic threshold (AeT; Zone 2 threshold). Don't worry if you don't know what this is yet! We will cover this in the in-person introduction meeting and will provide additional resources.
What equipment/gear is needed for MCon?A sports watch is required in order to track your heart rate. Garmin, Coros, and Suunto are great examples. It is also HIGHLY recommended to use an external heart rate monitor (chest strap or arm band), as these are more accurate than a wrist-based device. Examples include the Garmin HRM Pro, Coros Heart Rate Monitor, or the Polar Chest Strap. The training hikes require standard day hiking equipment such as a daypack, water bladder or bottles, poles (optional), basic first aid supplies, sun screen, bug spray, and most importantly - SNACKS! The capstone camping weekend requires overnight backpacking gear, such as a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and stove.
What is Ground School?Ground School is a chance to learn technical skills necessary for safe travels in the mountains. We will utilize a classroom setting to review some basic technical skills. For this participants should have some basic climbing equipment such as a harness and locking carabiners. The focus is on classroom learning and not on field application as we do not have the environment or time available in the program for this.
When/where is Ground School?Ground School will occur in-person at the PATC clubhouse in Vienna, VA on a specified day during the program.
What is 'trail time'?Trail time is the time we put boots on trail, depart the trailhead and begin our hike. It is NOT the arrival time in the parking lot (hint hint, nudge nudge). If you plan to eat breakfast, pack your pack, or do other tasks at the trailhead please plan to arrive early.
What if I'm faster/slower than the group?Individuals will always have natural differences in pace on various terrain. When we are out on hikes as a group, we take safety very seriously, and with that in mind we will always have a trip leader out front and in the back. This helps to ensure somebody doesn't miss a turn on the trail and that assistance is nearby should it be required, because we go through a LOT of trail junctions. If staying behind the person up front does not allow you to get the workout you need to get (HR too low) we suggest adding more training weight to your pack to increase the amount of work you need to do when covering the same ground.
Can I bring my pet?We love our furry family members, but unfortunately we do not allow them to accompany us on M-Con hikes for a variety of reasons.
Can my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate join me on the hike?We adhere to a strict rule in Shenandoah National Park about group size, and for that reason we don't publish our hikes to the broader group. Additionally, as much as we want to sometimes, we do not bring family and friends on the hikes.
When are hikes cancelled?Outings are only cancelled for lightning and natural disasters that pose serious risk of bodily harm or death. We will be hiking and camping on the planned dates regardless of the weather. Working through adversity is part of training! We will change up as needed to account for unforeseen circumstances. In the past this has been changing hikes due to wildfire smoke or when water levels have been high and we had a known water crossing. Any itinerary changes will be communicated to all participants via all available channels as early as possible.
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